Weekly Vocaloid Feature - 晴れのち桜

8:26 AM

No song of the week because I was busy on Friday. Might not have manga of the week because I'm busy tomorrow too.

Title: 晴れのち桜, Hare Nochi Sakura, Sunny Cherry Blossoms
Producer: 40mP
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: GUMI

Kenn's Comment: Great song and Gumi sounds great in this too.  40mP never disappoints, and this song isn't any different. Looks like Deco*27 has some competition over awesome sounding GUMI...though after Mosaic Roll confidence in him has dropped quite a bit.

Regardless, I'm happy that another producer has picked up using GUMI. It's nice to diversify away from Crypton's trio / quartet (since Meiko and Kaito aren't used nearly as much as the other 3/4).

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