Vocaloid of the Week - Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!

8:40 PM

Prepare to get edumacated.

Title: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
Producer: daniwellP
Genre: Pop...kind of
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: THIS IS THE ORIGINAL. Nyanya etc. came out a whole year before the infamous Nyan Cat appeared, making it quite clear that it's not the original. Not that retarded pop tart cat. As much as you want to say that abomination is the original, this is the original, and nothing you say or whoever you do, it won't change the fact. Plus, 'nya' isn't exactly western onomatopoeia

Anywho, the insanely popular song has made it's round through the internet, touching base upon pretty much everything, from Touhou to anime and back to Vocaloid. Popularized in the west by that retarded cat, and the unfortunate appearance on Comedy Central's tosh.0, people have more or less forgotten the origins of the song. You will see 'Nyan Cat [ORIGINAL]' plastered on videos everywhere. It annoys me. And thus, why you are reading this right now.

At the beginning, you can tell that it's a nya, but after a while, it looses the words, and sounds much more like synth. 

Anywho, as I said, there are probably as many incarnations of this video out there as there are paperclips so I won't list them. I will however put up my favourites, in no particular order.






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