ガラクタ 姫 と アポストロフ

11:29 PM

I know I posted a weekly vocaloid, but this was just too good to pass up. And this isn't a weekly post.

Edit: Added ENG subs.

Title: ガラクタ 姫 と アポストロフ, Gurakata Hime to Aposutorofu, Junk Princess and Apostrophe
Producer: sasakure. UK, ガラクタ相談室
Vocaloid: 初音ミク

Kenn's Comment: It's a mellow song with the PV mimicking that...though those scenes of dark colouring do give a bit of an ominous feel.

 A world of junk, with the 'princess' travelling through it. I'm guessing Apostrophe is the robot.

I can't remember whether I've put anything of sasakure UK's up on the blog before, but if it's not, than it's likely not the last.

Be sure to watch the PV through to the end. It's a story PV, and is animated (to a degree) so you'll miss something if you skip around.

Edit: English subbed video added.

The binary bleeps are morse code. The first two spell "IKQ" and "IXQ." You're getting there! (I don't think the binary itself means anything.) The last one seems to be "LKQING." Yeah, who knows.

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