Song of the Week - 夢の世界

6:37 PM

Image from YesAsia

One of my favourite songs on their latest album.

Title: 夢の世界, Yume no Sekai, Dream World (...would that be how it's translated? I can read both parts, but I'm not quite sure how it gets put into English)
Artist: Monkey Majik
Genre: jPop
Single: N/A
Album: westview
Vintage: 11/02/11 (ddmmyy)

Kenn's Comment: Monkey Majik is one of my favourite bands. I was about to say Japanese bands, but quickly remember that they're not fully Japanese. Half the band is comprised of a pair of brothers from Ottawa (Canada for those who don't know) while the other half is made up of two Japanese musicians. Their songs reflect this too; on an album there would be some songs in full English, some songs in full Japanese, and some which would be somewhat mixed. 

This song has a real nice melody. My limited Japanese doesn't let me understand the lyrics very well, so I can't vouch for how cheesy it might be. Another thing I'd like to point out is that it's one of the few songs where you can't hear traces of audio-editing done on vocals. Sunshine has it, and I know that everyone pretty much uses it, some more than others, but the odd sound it creates bugs me a bit. I'm fine with it in Vocaloid because I know it's not a person singing, but when it's a song by an actual person, hearing the autotune is a bit offsetting. Maybe that's just because I'm a classically trained musician.

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