Weekly Vocaloid Feature - Midnight Elegy

10:05 AM

The song is pretty cool, and the accompaniment sounds like it'd be on DJ Max. Srsly. The chorus is awesome too o:

A few comments on the video are pretty funny too

"hmm is it supposed to be Allergy? great vid btw =D "

"Build Your Vocabulary: An elegy is a song in rememberance of a deceased person. In other words, the musical equivalent of a ulegy."

"man, do you expect me to know that? im 11 for pete sake..i dun even know that word..and thanks for putting it in such a nice way -_-lll"

The dude was nice. He didn't call you an idiot or a retard. And use a dictionary for words you don't know. Well you know what an elegy is now.

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