Spring Anime Previews 2012 - LUPIN the Third ~峰不二子という女~

7:36 PM

Image by Rui Yuda

Everyone's favourite thief returns for a whole new adventure.

Title: LUPIN the Third ~峰不二子という女~, LUPIN the Third ~Fujiko to iu onna~, LUPIN the Third ~A Woman Called Mine Fujiko~
Animation Production: TMS Entertainment
Genre: Action, Comedy
Airs: 04/04 25:29 Nippon TV
Website: http://fujiko.tv/

Series Summary: N/A

Kenn's Comment: Lupin III returns to a TV series after having yearly special episodes pretty much since 1985.

I haven't really watched much of the Lupin series, but I've heard lots of good things about it. I've also heard that they're not super heavy on the continuity between specials, so it's quite an easy series to pick up and run with. Either way, I'm looking forward to this one. All the hype I've seen about it has really gotten me rather excited for this. You should too! It's freaking Lupin!


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