Weekly Vocaloid Feature - サイノウサンプラー

7:45 PM

Just another reminds that there will not be any of the Weekly Series (Webcomic, Song, Vocaloid and Manga) next week. It just so happens that I have a recital on Thursday (Webcomic), finals and a dress rehearsal on Friday (Song), a concert on Saturday (Vocaloid) and another concert on Sunday (manga).

Title: サイノウサンプラー, Sainou Sampler
Producer: 電ポルP
Lyrics: koyori
Genre: VocaRock
Vocaloid: 初音ミクAPPEND

Kenn's Comment: Yeah, this one was numero uno in the Vocaloid Daily Rankings yesterday, and I didn't go looking for one for today, so I threw this one up. It's pretty good, though I don't expect to see this one anywhere higher than 2nd in the Weekly Ranking.

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