毎週の漫画 - たいようのいえ

11:47 PM

Image from here

Sorry it's late. Skyrim and was cooking all day. 

Title: たいようのいえ, Taiyou no Ie, House of the Sun
Author: TAAMO
Genre: Shoujo, Romance, Slice of Life
Serialized in: Kodansha  Dessert
Total Volume Count: 4 (ongoing)

Series Summary by Mixini:
“Back in the day, that place was a house filled with magic—a place where you ended up smiling even if you were crying. Surely, an invisible wizard must have lived there. Or so I thought.”

What’s a young child to do when her mother leaves her father for another man? Or when her father remarries a woman who brings along a child from a previous marriage? Or when her childhood neighbor friend invites her to live with him?
Kenn's Comment: This is a wonderful and beautiful series. Everything about it really just feels very natural. I've even seen it described as 'god-tier' (super good). The pacing is perfect and there's no jarring plot twists or heavy drama to weigh it down. The characters are well developed; the main two especially, as neither of them are flat characters. I'd say it's something like My Girl (Sahara Mizu) crossed with a good shoujo romance. I can't think of a good shoujo romance off the top of my head, so I'll leave that up to your discretion.

Great art, great story, great characters. What's not to love about this series?

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