毎週のVOCALOID - 想像フォレスト

6:35 PM

A nice light song that's surprisingly, not using Miku.

Title: 想像フォレスト, Souzou Forest, Imagination Forest
Producer: じん
Genre: Pop
Vocaloid: IA

Kenn's Comment: IA's been enjoying a good number of songs recently; I hope that she'll become the next GUMI and not fade out like all of AH-Soft's 'loids. IA here sounds almost exactly like a cross between Miku and GUMI. I'm hoping that sound of hers (hopefully she gets a more distinct voice as producers warm up to her).

The PV and art for this are really quite something. It's the story of a girl who lives by herself in a quaint little house in the woods. Much of the story can be derived from the excellent PV, though the ending is a bit odd for me. I suppose forgiveness and whatnot are important, but maaaan that kid. Not sure if he's the same one or not, but that kid.

The mom and girl remind me a lot of Irisviel and Illyasviel (Iris/Ilya); it's the eyes and hair.

Anywho, enjoy the song! It was #1 on the charts last week.

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