Monster Hunter: Reorganizing Creatures
11:48 PMAt the moment, the many monsters of the Monster Hunter are categorized by their general physical characteristics. Taking a quick look at any of the monsters, you'd be able to generally put them into the right "classes". However, some of those matches don't work out particularly well, while there are some classes that have seemingly been created for a single monster (here's looking at you, Zinogre).
My goal here is to reclassify the monsters, including the enigmatic Elder Dragons, into groups more indicative of the monsters' physiological characteristics.
Looking over the list in the game, there are some oddities, like Akantor and Ukanlos (both are Flying Wyverns), whose wings are, even in an vestigal sense, barely apparent. I hope that new monsters added in future games will fill out some of their more neglected classes, like the Fanged Wyverns, Snake Wyverns and the Temnocerna, as each of those classes are populated by a single large monster. Not much of a class if it's a class named for a single created for a single creature!
Bird Wyvern
Monsters in this class are the "standard" wyvern definition. They have a pair of wings (arms), two legs, a streamlined body and a tail. Resembling birds, the Bird Wyvern specifically refers to the group of wyvern known for being less "reptilian" and more closely resembling the behaviour of modern day birds.
- Gargwa (flightless bird)
- Yian Kut-Ku
- Yian Garuga
- Hypnocatrice (no recent appearances)
- Quru Peco
- Hororohoruru (MHX)
Raptors* (created for this list)
Monsters in this Class all previously belonged to the Bird Wyvern class, but I've re-categorized them to a more specific sub-class. Raptors are very similar to the Flying Bird Wyvern, with the exception of their lack of winged forelimbs. They resemble the dinosaurs that our (real world) birds of prey are said to be descended from. These monsters live and hunt in large packs led by an Alpha Male, typically denoted by "Great" preceeding it's name, as well as being significantly larger than the rest of his pack.
- Velociprey/drome
- Genprey/drome
- Ioprey/drome
- Giaprey/drome (no recent appearances)
- Jaggi/Jaggia/G. Jaggi
- Baggi/ G. Baggi
- Macau/ G. Macau (MHX)
True Flying Wyvern
Monsters in this class resemble, physically, the Bird Wyvern, but differ in that these monsters are far more reptilian. Like the Bird Wyvern, these monsters are characterized by their streamlined bodies, large winged forelimbs and bipedal stance. They also tend to be larger, inhabiting the medium to large sizes of monsters.
- Rathalos / Rathian
- Basarios / Gravios
- Seregios
- Khezu
- Monoblos / Diablos
- Raizex (MHX)
- Remobra
Pseudo Flying Wyvern* (created for this list)
Monsters in this class demonstrate the evolutionary process between the Flying Wyvern and the flightless Brute Wyvern. They have a quadrupedal stance, with pronounced winged forelimbs that double as forelegs.
Flightless wyvern that are typically bipedal, closely resembling the figure of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. They have powerful hind legs, and in most cases, less developed arms.
- Deviljho
- Barroth
- Urugaan
- Brachydios
- Duramboros
- Dinovaldo (MHX)
- Akantor
- Ukanlos
Akantor and Ukanlos occupy both the Pseudo-Flying Wyvern and Brute Wyvern class as they exhibit traitrs of both. The two wyvern have only vestigal traces of their wings while maintaining the classic Pseudo-Flying Wyvern stance. "Wingless" wyvern will automatically be categorized as "Brute" until more examples are found to justify a new "class".
Piscine Wyvern
Monsters in this class are similar in structure to the True Flying Wyvern, but have been adapted their wings and tails to swim, rather than fly. They lack flight, but can be found swimming in various environments.
- Delex
- Cephalos/ Cephadrome
- Plesioth
- Lavasioth
Leviathan Wyvern
Monsters in this class are typically quadrupedal, flightless wyvern that inhabit many of the same environments as the Piscine Wyvern. They, like the Piscine, have adapted to swimming, but most are perfectly capable of walking.
- Ludroth / Royal Ludroth
- Lagiacrus
- Uroktor/ Agnaktor
- Gobul
- Nibelsnarf
- Tamamitsune (MHX)
- Jhen / Da'hren Moran
- Ceadeus
- Amatsumagatsuchi
The Moran species, Ceadeus, and Amatsu are Elder Dragons that exhibit the same characteristics found in this Class, so I've added them into it.
Snake Wyvern
A newly created class in MH4U, containing 2 actual designations, and 1 unofficial designation. Monsters in this class typically have long, elongated bodies (like snakes), and have far less developed limbs than any other wyvern class.
- Najarala
- Remobra**
- Dalamadur
Dalamadur is an Elder Dragon that exhibits all of the traits of a Snake Wyvern, so I added it to the list that, otherwise, is basically comprised of a single monster.
** Remobra was previously a Flying Wyvern, but reclassed as a Snake Wyvern due to it's more obvious features. I've kept it in Flying Wyvern as well, as it also fits into that class.
Pseudo Wyvern* (created for this list)
This class replaces the Fanged Wyvern classification, previously populated only by the Zinogre family. As Pseudo-Wyvern, this c lass now represents monsters that skirt the boundaries between the reptilian Wyvern and the Mammals. These monsters typically have fur, rather than scales, or have mammalian resemblance.
- Zingore
- Nargacuga**
- Kirin
Kirin is an Elder Dragon that doesn't fit any of the actual classifications in game, outside of the broad and general class of "Elder Dragon". As it resembles and has the same movement patterns as the herbivorous Anteka, I've added it to this class.
** Nargacuga remains as a Pseudo-Flying Wyvern, but it's fur coat, rather than scales gives it consideration to be at least partially classed as a Pseudo Wyvern.
Fanged Beasts
Monsters in this category are small to medium sized mammals, ranging from herbivorous to carnivorous and everything in between. The one thing to note is that all creatures on this list are aggressive on sight.
- Bullfango / Bulldrome
- Conga / Congalala
- Blango / Blagonga
- Arzuros
- Volvidon
- Lagombi
- Rajang
- Kecha Wacha
- Gamuto (MHX)
I'm skipping the Carpaceon, Neopterons, Temnocerans, Amphibians and Herbivores as these classes remain unchanged.
True Dragons
This list is comprised of monsters with 6 limbs. Quadrupedal stance, with a pair of developed wings that are capable of flight.
- Kushala Daora
- Teostra / Lunastra
- Chameleos
- Fatalis
- Dire Miralis
Dire Miralis is pretty much on it's way out of the category. It's vestigal wings have pretty much been re-purposed, making it a viable candidate for the Pseudo-Dragon category.
A small list comprised of Elder Dragons who mostly fit the bill of a "True Dragon", but have additional traits, or lack traits, that can be made into their own class.
- Gore Magala / Shagaru Magala
- Gogmazios
- Lao Shun Lung
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Wtf is that?! |
These monsters don't fit any descriptions and remain unclassed.
- Yama Tsukami
- That Kraken boss in MHX
Most images are from the Monster Hunter Wiki , an absolutely essential resource for hunters, new and old.
This is the first part of a two part thing I'm doing with Monster Hunter. Next time, we imagine these creatures (or some of them) as Pokemon! No drawings, or even stats. Just moves and abilities.